Senior Class 2019 - Congratulations Andrew Ollar!
Fellowship Senior Adults
You are invited to join in on Thursday at 1:00 pm at the church for fellowship and fun. Talk with Rita for more information.
Women of Fellowship Plant Swap
Sat., June 8th @ Darlene's house...
Brunch first
Bring favorite dish
Bring a chair
Bring a friend
Bring a small potted plant ($3-5)
Bring any plant you might want to divide or give away.
Contact Darlene at rdarlenec@aol.com for more info.
Church at the River
Plan to join us on Sunday, June 9th - at 10:30 am at Tyler Bend Park - Buffalo River. A great time of fellowship, worship, a cookout...and baptisms at the river following.
Ozark Eden Garden & Corn Maze
Thanks to everyone (adults & kids) who have helped plant corn and veggies in the gardens. We will continue to plant and develop the garden into the summer.
Drive-In Movie Nights
Coming to the Church Pavilion this Summer...watch for details!
Fall Harvest Festival
Carnival, Corn Maze, and Hayride....coming this October!
You can donate food items in the lobby for needy children in our community through this local Christian ministry.
Our church has committed to keep litter picked up on Ozark Street. You can help out anytime by picking up litter on the street and discarding it in the trash cans at the rear of the facility. Thank you!