Gatherings This Fall:
~Sunday Worship -
10:30 am - Join us as we fellowship, worship, and dig into God's Word
~Sunday Evenings - Is Genesis History? Video & discussion – all ages. Hosted by Dr. Dell Tackett of the Truth Project. Starts TONIGHT – 5:00 to 6:30 pm
~Wednesdays - Winning at Home and at Work - Men’s Fraternity
6:30 – 8:00 am – Breakfast, Video & Discussion – in the study lounge
~Wednesdays - Live a Praying Life - Women of Fellowship –
9:30 am & 6:00 pm. In the study lounge
Children's' Charity Ministry
You can help provide meals for needy children by donating individual food items to the basket in the church lobby...Non-perishable single-serve items like...vienna sausages, beanie wienies, cheese & crackers, pb & crackers, .mac & cheese, ramen noodles, cereal, oatmeal, granola, fruit chews, fruit cups, pudding cups, etc.
Fall Harvest Festival
The date has been changed to Thursday evening, October 31st. We will be meeting at the church pavilion...church gym in case of bad weather. Pulled pork BBQ, hot dogs and snacks will be served. Come and fellowship with us...drop in. Bonfire, hayride, corn maze fun.
Church at the River
We are headed to Tyler Bend Pavilion for Church at the River on Sunday, Nov. 3rd – 10:30 a.m. – Tyler Bend Pavilion. Worship service & Cookout Potluck. Wear warm clothes... bring a favorite side dish, a blanket,and a lawn chair.
Don’t forget to help pick up any trash you see on Ozark St. Thanks for helping out!
Fellowship Senior Adult Ministry
Senior adults are gathering for fellowship and fun! Meets the 4th Thursday of each month - 1 PM in the study lounge.
Next Meeting -Thurs. Oct. 24. See Rita Brown FMI
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